Reserves for the Future
The Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group Inc. (SERAG) is a community-based organisation concerned to protect, conserve and restore the rich and diverse natural heritage values of the Swan River Estuary.
The Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group Inc. (SERAG) acknowledges the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Traditional Custodians of the Derbarl Yerrigan and surrounding country in which we are privileged to work. We pay our respects to their Elders who have handed down and continue to hand down their deep connection to country to future generations.
SERAG was formed in 2010 in response to a pressing need for action to ensure the long-term health and well-being of three unique sites in the Swan River Estuary that have been set aside by the wider community as the Swan Estuary Marine Park (SEMP).
Members volunteer their time and expertise to restore and strengthen the resilience of the native habitat in and around the margins of these very special areas.
An outline of our upcoming events and activities can be found via the link below.
Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group produces a quarterly newsletter. Click below to view our newsletters and subscribe.

Derbarl Yerrigan - The Swan Estuary
Known also as the Derbarl Yerrigan, the Swan River Estuary has been a place of iconic importance to both the Noongar Aboriginal people who first populated its banks and to subsequent migrants who have settled along its reaches, providing not only for such requirements as food, water and transport, but also bringing a spiritual dimension to their lives
Flora and Fauna
The vegetation complex that belongs naturally to the foreshores of the Swan Estuary Marine Park is the Saltmarsh Community and the Vasse vegetation complex, consisting primarily of sedges, samphire and saltbush on the tidal flat, and sedges, shrubs and upper-storey plants such as the River Gum, the Freshwater and Saltwater Paperbark and the Saltwater She-oak.
The Fauna includes invertebrates and insect life so important to the healthy ecosystem, especially to the plethora of bird life that is found here. The arrival of the trans-equatorial migratory birds from the lower Arctic to feed on the mudflats and roost along the shorelines of SEMP is an outstanding annual occurrence, along with the local migratory birds’ comings and goings, and the excitement of successful broods of stilts, ducks, bush birds and our local Osprey pair.
SERAG’s projects involve planting with indigenous species, weeding, and soft erosion control measures where needed. Projects are based on the most urgent needs of the Swan Estuary Marine Park (SEMP) foreshores, and support the Managing Authorities‘ Management Plans for each area.
Join In!
To become a member, a person must support SERAG Inc.'s two objectives:
Enhance the long-term ecological health of the Swan River Estuary A-Class Nature Reserves and adjacent river parks for the benefit of native flora and fauna and for the enjoyment of current and future generations of the Perth Community.
Support the managing authorities and those organisations involved in the restoration of the natural environment of the Swan River Estuary.
Joining SERAG Inc. does not necessarily involve any commitment of time. Participation in our various projects and activities is always warmly welcomed, but entirely voluntary.
By becoming a member, a person is expressing support for our objectives, and thereby strengthening our capacity to advocate on behalf of the Estuary and to attract vital funding for restoration work. These alone are great reasons to join!
Follow these links to learn more about SERAG, our events and how you can get involved.